Monday, April 18, 2016

God may change your direction


So I have been slacking on my blog posts lately! There has been so many things God has been doing in my heart. And I have been focusing on those things. A lot to deal with strongholds I have been holding on to and what the heck He wants me to do in Pennsylvania!

I know exactly where we left off and will continue at some point. But in the mean time I would like to share posts on different things I am learning while being submerged in His Word. Lately, I have been reading the Bible(cover to cover) again, this will be my second time and I am doing it chronologically this time. The first time I feel as though I was confused on several things, I'm hoping that reading it as it happened will clear some things up!

Daniel and I at our first Pittsburgh Pirates game..he's the best!

One of the things I hold dearest in my heart is: my husband LOVES when I read the Bible. He loves it! (Now, if I could just get him to read with me...) But he has requested one "simple" thing...summarize every book of the Bible for him. OK so this is NO easy task! Do I outline? Do I do little paragraphs? Oh goodness the Bible is just so RICH and every single time I open it I find something do I (a finite human) summarize the Book of the Infinite God?!!!!! I have prayed over and over about this, I mean there are multitudes of books doing this very same thing. But did the author do it for her husband? Maybe, but probably not. I've got everything I need to accomplish this up until King David which is where I am at in my reading. Most important on that list: the Holy Spirit. I trust Him. I trust that it will not be me typing up information, but it will be Him speaking through me with just the Truths that my husband needs to know. Maybe my prayer will come true and we will end up reading the Bible together or maybe God has a different plan.

My "utensils" for this task (not seen: the Holy Spirit, He's very present!) 
You better believe I have a binder, inserts, and page protectors too! Haha

My point is this: God may change your direction. He may want you to accomplish more than you've ever dreamed. He never fails and His plan for your life will never change. But He will whisper something new to you that you want to conquer! I must say I have a Bible Study problem, while I am doing one I have about 10 in my brain that I want to do. So when He calls me to just read His Word, personally I feel He is calling me to rest in His love. Rest in Him. I can be doing two Bible Studies, reading a book and run through different chapters of a book in the Bible, coloring Bible verses on tracing paper to tape into my Bible-but what do I retain? What does this accomplish? Besides extra places on my book shelf filled? And sometimes, if I am being honest, a headache.

I firmly believe He calls us to meditate on His Word. Obey His commands. Trust and rely solely on Him. Be still and know He is God. We are not saved on good deeds, we are saved through Jesus Christ.

I will leave you with one of my favorite verses from Matthew 11:
Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My load is light. (vs. 29-30)

My prayer for you is that you find Rest in Him, and you Learn from Him.

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